Thursday, December 2, 2010

24 hours of Buenos Aires

Hola amigos! We finally made it after 20 something hours of travel! Jake and I walked out of customs yesterday morning and almost immediately realized how in over our heads we are. It seems like the further we get from the airport the less people speak english. Somehow, we managed to bumble our way onto the correct bus leading to our hostel from the airport. After a few moments of celebration and feeling good about our abilities, we realized we had no idea where to get off, a pretty useless map (which turns out didnt even cover the area the hostel was located) and that our spanish, does indeed suck! Luckily after almost two hours of riding through the outskirts of Buenos Aires we worked up the courage to talk to a couple fellow passangers and one knew enough english to direct us to the correct stop. A short walk with towering haulbags on our back led to the small but sweet hostel with super friendly locals and free breakfast! After dropping off our stuff an attempt to find the bus station led to a multi-hour walk in which we managed to end up at the booking office for a cruise ship. On the upside we got to see a good amount of the new port and much of the city which is pretty sweet! Buenos Aires is a beautiful city with a very old world feel to it. Around every corner is some hidden away restraunt or cafe. A few hours of these wanderings led us to the bus station where we were able to buy or tickets to San Carlos de Bariloche (the place we are headed to today!). Our first meal in Argentina soon followed. Not surprisingly, it consisted of pizza and cheap beer.


  1. This looks amazing guys!! I'm so happy for you two and know you'll have a blast...please please please keep updating this so I don't feel like we're really thousands of miles apart :(

  2. I'm so glad to hear (and see) that you made it there safely. I TOLD you that you should have asked Kristy for some help with your Spanish before you left...

    I just watched a special about climbing El Capitan - I can't believe you did that! Scary!!! I hope my crazy rock climbing nephew takes it easy down there.

  3. And.... I can't believe the first thing you ate was pizza. Really?!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. your hair's all done up and you're eating pizza with a fork and knife?
    fancy fancy fancy

  6. Ein grosse heffe dunkle, bitta! One large beer, please. Oh wait that's German...never mind. Donde esta el bano? That should help you out. Have a blast.
