Friday, January 28, 2011

Parting of the Pizza Boys

"Alright, lets just run at them screaming like banshees..." Said one scared hippie to the other as they looked up and began sprinting towards their oppenents... shockingly this plan didn´t work and the game of hackie sack that became the pizzadudes first game of rugby was lost in a cloud of dirt and a final score of 3-1 favoring the seasoned Argentines... America we apologize for letting you down! This hackie game gone awry was just one way we found entertainment during a 5 day spell of miserable weather in the Frey. Other activities included eating, talking about eating, planning what to eat next, waiting for people to have extra food to eat, learning some spanish, learning some harmonica, hoping someone doesnt try to learn the harmonica in the shared kitchen, losing at card games to 15 year olds, playing card games that have no winners, going on hikes and talking (read: lieing) about what we would´ve climbed if it wasn´t raining. Thankfully for our sanity and ears the weather soon improved and we were able to climb a few more things we had been waiting to try. We had dinner at the refugio for our last night in the Frey and exhanged lots of laughs and drinks with our friends as we bid them farwell to begin our new travels... Brandon to Chalten with Jerome and Claudio; Jake back to SLC, Utah via Las Vegas where he plans to double his money and fly back to Argentina...

Dinner by Maile.

Around noon most of us get motivated to climb...

Lot of parties below M2

Brandon leading Abrojos y Centellas

Stray dogs are everywhere. I named this one Reymundo.

Maile regretting her decision to come on a hike with us.

The endless possibilities of pate and crackers.

Alpine kitty that we watched take down a bird. enough said.

Drinking tea with Maile and Claudio in the Refugio.

Jake giving his mating call to the local wildlife

Surfing atop of dinosaur rock with Maile as a storm was coming in

The super top secret frey bouldering superproject

I promise a lot more uber cool cruxing out action shot climbing pictures of the gang really soon! I was just too lazy to post them this time.


  1. You're on vacation and reading a book on science writing?

  2. Was that really pate or was it Alpine Kitty food? Yum.
